New Year's resolutions: stick or twist?
New Year's resolutions are somewhat of a tradition, but the tradition also follows that many of us find them broken mid-January. Making resolutions can be a very powerful way of helping you achieve your goals in the new year ahead, but only if they are followed through.
Once the initial excitement of the new year fades, your resolution should stay with you and guide you towards your goal for 2019. Here's some tips on how to make sure you are celebrating the successful completion of your resolution come the end of the year...
Before you set your resolution(s), take a look back at previous years. Reflecting on past resolutions may help you to see why you weren't able to keep to them and how you could change that this year.
Know yourself
Resolutions are meant to be aspirational but this shouldn't mean unachievable. Know yourself and don't be afraid to reign it in a little.
Quality not quantity
One kept resolution is much more powerful than a list of 10 that remain half completed by the end of the year. Try and limit yourself to one resolution if you can, or at least one per area e.g. you may have a professional resolution and a personal resolution.
Resolutions can often fade into the background once normality resumes after the festive break. To help keep your resolution in clear focus, why not print it out and stick it on your desk at work or on a notice board at home? You could also plot little reminders into your calendar throughout the year to consciously track your progress.
A goal made together is kept together
Rather than going it alone, why not set a goal that you share with a loved one, friend or colleague? This could be getting fit together, achieving a certain level of training at work or even spending more quality time together. Having a shared goal means that you can encourage each other throughout the year.
Whether your resolution is professional, personal, or both, we hope this list will help you set a goal that sticks!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Smart 1. Here's to a successful 2019!