How the Smart 1 Team do Christmas!
Yes we know it is not quite Christmas yet, but goodness knows we can’t wait! Our office tree is already up and we’ve been wearing our crimbo jumpers since last Sunday :-)
To say we are looking forward to Christmas is an understatement, and it is hard to not start the Christmas ‘wind-down’ right this minute, but instead we are still full steam ahead doing the day job! Is your office the same? Is your desk decked out with tinsel and twinkly lights, or are you surrounded by colleagues muttering ‘bah humbug’?
Either way, the festive season is well and truly upon us, so we thought we would tell you about how the Smart 1 Team will be going about it.
‘The Do’
From the second the email went round about the Christmas Do, we’ve been looking forward to what promised to be a great bash. We’re a pretty social bunch and all get on like a house on fire so it doesn’t take much more than a glass of bubbly to get us in the party mood!
This year we went to the NEC’s Christmas Party World for one of their newly themed ‘Moroccan Fire Nights’ (sounds strange, was awesome) where the drinks were flowing, delicious food was on the menu and the entertainment was eye-poppingly good. Needless to say there was the odd sore head the next day but it was totally worth it to get the team together for a toast the year gone by and get excited about the next one.
Here are a few pics of our gorgeous team! Ooooo don’t we scrub up well….

The Day
Now that the Christmas Do is over for another year, we’ll be counting down the advent-chocolate-filled-days! For you, will that involve present buying, tree decorating and tinsel hanging or are you super-efficient and have all of that done already? For us, it’s a bit of a mixture….
Cathy: “My tree is going up this weekend, and I have already wrapped half of the presents I have bought. I will be spending Christmas Day watching as many trashy movies as possible, eating, singing, dancing and generally enjoying time with my best people!”
Mike: “The tree is totally Cathy’s responsibility, so I can concentrate on doing some shopping…. I haven’t bought any gifts yet…. :-( The best bit about Christmas is not having to work! But the family meal and compulsory game of Trivial Pursuits Friends Edition come in a close second ;-)”
Jess: “I am half way through present shopping and I’m getting my real tree on Saturday, so CANNOT WAIT. Christmas Day is all about the champers of course :-) although the best bit is spending time with family, eating loads of food, having a laugh and making some lovely memories.”
Stuart: Christmas Day will be spent at home with my brother and sister, eating, watching movies and handing out the presents that I will probably buy on Christmas Eve! I really should get around to putting up the tree soon…. I’m looking forward to the Christmas markets, Christmas dinner and a few drinks the most!
So that’s how we’ll be spending Christmas this year! Until then we will be business as usual so please get in touch if you are job hunting or looking for the perfect employee.
When it comes to Christmas, we hope you have a fantastic time and enjoy some festive fun with your loved ones. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Smart 1 Team!